Notes on Artificial Intelligence Topics. These notes were born for myself but I hope they can be useful for others.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011
2. Discrete Time Fourier Transform
Recall that if x(n) is absolutlely summable, that is, $\sum_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |x(n)| < \infty$ than its Discrete-Time Fourier Transform is given by:
X(e^{j \omega})=\sum_{n=- \infty}^{+ \infty} x(n) \cdot e^{-j \cdot \omega \cdot n} \tag{3.1}
This function transforms a discrete signal $x(n)$ into a complex-valued continuous function $X(e^{j \omega})$.
${\bf Matrix Implementation}$
If $x(n)$ is a finite duration sequence, we can use MATLAB to compute the Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) $X(e^{j\omega})$ numerically at any frequency $\omega$.
Let assume that the sequence x(n) has N samples between $n_1 \leq n \leq n_N$ we can define:
\[\omega_k =\frac{\pi}{M}k, \qquad k=0,1,....,M\]
which are (M+1) frequencies between $[0, \pi]$. Then (1) can be written as:
X(e^{j\omega_k})=\sum_{r=1}^{N} x(n_r) \cdot e^{-j \cdot \omega_k \cdot n_r} = \sum_{r=1}^{N} x(n_r) \cdot e^{-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M} k \cdot n_r}, \qquad k=0,...,M \tag{3.2}
Let's define the vector $\mathbf{X} = \begin{bmatrix} X(e^{j\omega_0}) \\ \vdots \\ X(e^{j\omega_M}) \end{bmatrix}$ where the k-th element $X(e^{j\omega_k})$ has the below expression:
\[X(e^{j\omega_k})= [ x(n_1) \cdot e^{-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M}\cdot k \cdot n_1} + \ldots + x(n_N) \cdot e^{-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M}\cdot k \cdot n_N} ] \]
if we define the matrix $\mathbf{W}=\begin{bmatrix} W_0\\ \vdots \\W_M \end{bmatrix}$ where the k-th row $W_k$ has the below expression:
\[ W_k = \begin{bmatrix} e^{-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M}\cdot k \cdot n_1}, \ldots, e^{-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M}\cdot k \cdot n_N} \end{bmatrix} \]
and $\mathbf{x(n)} = \begin{bmatrix} x(n_1) \\ \vdots \\ x(n_N) \end{bmatrix}$, we can write (3.2) as follow:
\[\mathbf{X} = \mathbf{W} \cdot \mathbf{x}\]
Let's consider the row vectors ${\bf k}$ and ${\bf n}$ that represent, respectively, the index of the frequency and for the time.
\[ \begin{matrix}
\mathbf{k}= \begin{bmatrix} 0, 1, \ldots, M\end{bmatrix}\\
\mathbf{n}= \begin{bmatrix} n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_N\end{bmatrix}
\end{matrix} \]
the product $\mathbf{k^T \cdot n}$ is equal to:
\[ \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\1 \\ \vdots \\M\end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} n_1 & n_2 & \ldots & n_N\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ n_1 & n_2 & \ldots & n_N \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ M \cdot n_1 & M \cdot n_2 & \ldots & M \cdot n_N \end{bmatrix} \]
so we can rewrite $\mathbf{W}$
\[ \mathbf{W} = \begin{bmatrix} W_0 \\ W_1 \\ \vdots \\ W_M \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} e^{-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M}\cdot 0 \cdot n_1} \ldots e^{-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M}\cdot 0 \cdot n_N} \\ \vdots \\ e^{-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M}\cdot M \cdot n_1} \ldots e^{-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M}\cdot M \cdot n_N} \end{bmatrix} =
exp[-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M} \cdot \mathbf{k^T \cdot n}] \]
finally the complete matrix form for DTFT is
\[\mathbf{X} = exp[-j \cdot \frac{\pi}{M} \cdot \mathbf{k^T \cdot n}] \cdot \mathbf{x} \tag{3.3} \]
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Using of filter command in the convolution computation MATLAB
In the MATLAB exists the command filter that permits the resolution of difference equation numerically.
An important difference equation that express a link between input ad output in a LTI is
\[\sum_{k=0}^N a_ky(n-k) = \sum_{m=0}^M b_mx(n-m)\]
this equation can be solved using filter(b,a,x) where $b=[b_0 ... b_m],\; a=[a_0 ... a_k]$.
\[z(n) = conv(x,y) = x(n)*y(n) = \sum_{k=-\infty}^{+\infty} x(k)y(n-k)\]
Considering two sequence with finite length we can observe that:
\[filter(x,1,y)\Rightarrow 1\cdot z(n) =\sum_{m=0}^M x(m)y(n-m)\]
from below expression we can see that using filter function we can compute convolution of x and y but the result will have the dimension of x
An important difference equation that express a link between input ad output in a LTI is
\[\sum_{k=0}^N a_ky(n-k) = \sum_{m=0}^M b_mx(n-m)\]
this equation can be solved using filter(b,a,x) where $b=[b_0 ... b_m],\; a=[a_0 ... a_k]$.
\[z(n) = conv(x,y) = x(n)*y(n) = \sum_{k=-\infty}^{+\infty} x(k)y(n-k)\]
Considering two sequence with finite length we can observe that:
\[filter(x,1,y)\Rightarrow 1\cdot z(n) =\sum_{m=0}^M x(m)y(n-m)\]
from below expression we can see that using filter function we can compute convolution of x and y but the result will have the dimension of x
Thursday, March 10, 2011
1. Discrete Time Sinusoidal Signal
A discrete time sinusoid has this expression:
\[A\cos(\omega_0n + \theta),\qquad n \in]-\infty, +\infty[\tag{1.1}\]
$A$ is the Amplitude
$\omega_0$ is the Frequency in radians per sample
$\theta$ is the Phase in radians.
We can express frequency with the variable $f_0$ defined by $\omega_0 = 2\pi f_0$
and the (1) becomes:
\[A\cos(2\pi f_0 n + \theta),\qquad n \in]-\infty, +\infty[\tag{1.2}\]
Now the frequency $f_0$ has dimensions of cycles per samples.
A discrete time sinusoid is periodic only if its frequency $f_0$ is a rational number.
A discrete time signal x(n) is periodic with period N (N>0) if and only if:
\[x(n+N) = x(n), \qquad \forall n\tag{1.3}\]
The smallest value of N is called fundamental period.For a sinusoid with frequency $f_0$ we should have:
\[\cos[2\pi f_0(N+n) + \theta] = \cos(2\pi f_0n+\theta)\]
This relation is true if and only if
\[2\pi f_0N=2k\pi\Rightarrow f_0=\frac{k}{N}\]
in other words the sinusoid is periodic if we can express the frequency as a rational.
The fundamental period is N (the value we obtain cancelling common factors so that k and N are relatively prime).
The absolute value of k is the number of cycles the phasor makes before going to the initial position.
Let's consider the discrete sequence $x(n) = \cos(0.3\pi n)$, we can see that $\omega_0=0,3\pi$ and so since $f_0=\frac{\omega_0}{2\pi}$ we obtain that $f_0=\frac{0.3\pi}{2\pi}\Rightarrow f_0=\frac{3}{20}$
The sequence x(n) is periodic and N=20
Let's consider the discrete sequence $x(n) = \cos(0.3n)$, we can see that $\omega_0=0,3$ and so since $f_0=\frac{\omega_0}{2\pi}$ we obtain that $f_0=\frac{0.3}{2\pi}\Rightarrow f_0=\frac{3}{20\pi}$
The sequence x(n) is not periodic
A discrete time sinusoid is periodic in frequence with period of $2\pi$
To prove this assertion, let us consider a sinusoid $\cos[\omega_0n+ \theta]$ and add $2\pi$ to $\omega_0$, we obtain:
\[\cos[(\omega_0+2\pi)n+ \theta]=\cos[\omega_0n+2\pi n+ \theta]=\cos[\omega_0n+ \theta] \]
in fact n is an integer number.
This result is more important because it permits us to study the sinusoid only in the frequency range of $2\pi$ (i.e. $-\pi\leq\omega\leq\pi$ or $-\frac{1}{2}\leq f \leq\frac{1}{2}$)
\[A\cos(\omega_0n + \theta),\qquad n \in]-\infty, +\infty[\tag{1.1}\]
$A$ is the Amplitude
$\omega_0$ is the Frequency in radians per sample
$\theta$ is the Phase in radians.
We can express frequency with the variable $f_0$ defined by $\omega_0 = 2\pi f_0$
and the (1) becomes:
\[A\cos(2\pi f_0 n + \theta),\qquad n \in]-\infty, +\infty[\tag{1.2}\]
Now the frequency $f_0$ has dimensions of cycles per samples.
A discrete time sinusoid is periodic only if its frequency $f_0$ is a rational number.
A discrete time signal x(n) is periodic with period N (N>0) if and only if:
\[x(n+N) = x(n), \qquad \forall n\tag{1.3}\]
The smallest value of N is called fundamental period.For a sinusoid with frequency $f_0$ we should have:
\[\cos[2\pi f_0(N+n) + \theta] = \cos(2\pi f_0n+\theta)\]
This relation is true if and only if
\[2\pi f_0N=2k\pi\Rightarrow f_0=\frac{k}{N}\]
in other words the sinusoid is periodic if we can express the frequency as a rational.
The fundamental period is N (the value we obtain cancelling common factors so that k and N are relatively prime).
The absolute value of k is the number of cycles the phasor makes before going to the initial position.
Let's consider the discrete sequence $x(n) = \cos(0.3\pi n)$, we can see that $\omega_0=0,3\pi$ and so since $f_0=\frac{\omega_0}{2\pi}$ we obtain that $f_0=\frac{0.3\pi}{2\pi}\Rightarrow f_0=\frac{3}{20}$
The sequence x(n) is periodic and N=20
Let's consider the discrete sequence $x(n) = \cos(0.3n)$, we can see that $\omega_0=0,3$ and so since $f_0=\frac{\omega_0}{2\pi}$ we obtain that $f_0=\frac{0.3}{2\pi}\Rightarrow f_0=\frac{3}{20\pi}$
The sequence x(n) is not periodic
A discrete time sinusoid is periodic in frequence with period of $2\pi$
To prove this assertion, let us consider a sinusoid $\cos[\omega_0n+ \theta]$ and add $2\pi$ to $\omega_0$, we obtain:
\[\cos[(\omega_0+2\pi)n+ \theta]=\cos[\omega_0n+2\pi n+ \theta]=\cos[\omega_0n+ \theta] \]
in fact n is an integer number.
This result is more important because it permits us to study the sinusoid only in the frequency range of $2\pi$ (i.e. $-\pi\leq\omega\leq\pi$ or $-\frac{1}{2}\leq f \leq\frac{1}{2}$)
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