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Friday, October 19, 2012

Variable Function Name in MATLAB

Suppose we want to call four different type of ODE solver, we can define a cell containing the 4 function handler as below:

functionName = {@ode45 @ode23 @ode113 @ode15s};

 and we can call in a cycle the desired function:
 for iFunction = 1 : size(functionName,2)  
   f = functionName{iFunction};  
   tol = 1e-4;  
   options = odeset ('RelTol',tol,'AbsTol',tol);  
   [t,y] = f('function_rhs', xspan, ic, options); % SOLVE ODEs 

Where function_rhs is the right side of the ODE we want to solve.
In this way we'll obtain 4 figures with the ODE solver name in the title.