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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Back Propagation

An useful link for understanding the Back Propagation step by step


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Common Probability Distributions

An interesting introduction to the most used Probability Distributions.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Conda Environments

Anaconda Environments

Anaconda is an open data science platform powered by Python. The user can create separate environments. The following table is a simple summary of the information you can find here
OperationWindowsLinux, OS X
Create a new conda environmentconda create -n envName python=2.7The Same of Windows
List the conda environmentsconda env listThe Same of Windows
Change environmentsactivate envNamesource activate envName
Deactivate the environmentdeactivatesource deactivate

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Some interesting videos on Deep Learning [Work in Progress]

This post shall contain some interesting videos on Deep Learning. The list shall be continuously updated [Last Update 20 Aug. 2017].

Deep Learning

Saturday, July 23, 2016

MapReduce in Apache Spark

Based on the Course CS120x Distributed Machine Learning with Apache Spark.

Basically we can summarize the map/reduce paradigm as following:
  • Map: transforms a series of elements by applying a function individually to each element in the series. It then returns the series of transformed elements.
  • Filter: applies a function individually to each element in a series but, the function evaluates to True or False and only elements that evaluate to True are retained.
  • Reduce: operates on pairs of elements in a series. It applies a function that takes in two values and returns a single value. Using this function, reduce is able to, iteratively, “reduce” a series to a single value.
We have define an array of 10 elements and transform it in a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)
numberRDD = range(0,10)
numberRDD = sc.parallelize(numberRDD, 4)
> Out[1]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] 
Map the numberRDD using a lambda function that mulitplies each element by 5 x:x*5).collect()
> Out[2]: [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45] 
Filter the numberRDD in order to obtain only the number multiple of 2
numberRDD.filter(lambda x:x%2==0).collect()
> Out[3]: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
Reduce the numberRDD summing pairs of numbers
numberRDD.reduce(lambda x1,x2:x1+x2)
> Out[4]: [45]
Putting all together we obtain the sum of the numbers in the even positions x:x*5).filter(lambda x:x%2==0).reduce(lambda x1,x2:x1+x2)
> Out[5]: [100]
This post has been written using Markdown and Dillinger. Here an interesting Markdown Cheatsheet

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Convolutional Layer of CNN in one Picture

A complete course at Stanford has devoted to Convolutional Neural Network.
The Course Notes (by Andrej Karpathy) are well written and they worth a look.

That course notes have inspired me to create a picture for summarising some concepts.

An interesting summary (adapted from here ) is the following:

Input Layer

  • Size: $W_1 \times H_1 \times D_1$
  • Hyperparameters:
    • Number of filters $K$
    • Dimension of the filter $F \times F \times D_1$
    • Stride: $S$
    • Amount of Zero Padding: $P$
Output Layer
  • Size: $W_2 \times H_2 \times D_2$
  • $W_2 = \frac{W_1 - F + 2P}{S} + 1$
  • $H_2 = \frac{H_1 - F + 2P}{S} + 1$
  • $D_2 = K$
The parameter sharing introduces $F \times F \times D_1$ per filter, for a total of $(F \times F \times D_1) \times K$ weights and $K$ biases

In the output volume, the d-th depth slice (of size $W_2 \times H2$) is the result of performing a valid convolution of the d-th filter over the input volume with a stride of $S$, and then offset by d-th bias.

Another interesting post on the Convolutional Neural Network is here

Saturday, July 16, 2016

TensorFlow on Databricks

TensorFlow is an Open Source Software Library for Machine Learning and AI tasks.
In these months is becoming a widely used tool in the AI community (and not only).

Databricks is an interesting Cluster Manager based on Apache Spark. It offers a Community Edition for free (pricing).

Since some ML tasks can be very computational intensive (e.g. training of the Deep Networks) could be a good idea to have a Cluster on Databricks and use it.

You can run this Notebook on your Databricks cluster (or import it).
Even though the Notebook says that "It is not required for the Databricks Community Edition", I experimented that it is necessary for the Community Edition as well.